QIAN Wei   钱 玮

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Department of Physics
City University of Hong Kong

E-mail address:
weiqian at cityu dot edu dot hk

Currently on leave from the position

Chargée de recherche, CNRS
Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay (LMO)
Université Paris-Saclay

I am interested in probability and mathematical physics. I mainly work on random two dimensional geometry.

I am co-organising the Hong Kong Probability Seminar.

Curriculum Vita

2022 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong
2020 - Chargée de recherche au CNRS, Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay (LMO), Université Paris-Saclay
2017 - 2020 Junior Research Fellow at Churchill college and research associate at University of Cambridge
2013 - 2017 PhD at ETH Zürich under the supervision of Wendelin Werner



Accepted and published papers


Nathanaël Berestycki, Hugo Duminil-Copin, Yifan Gao, Maria Gordina, Ewain Gwynne, Antoine Jego, Matthis Lehmkuehler, Xinyi Li, Marcin Lis, Titus Lupu, Olivier McEnteggart, Jason Miller, Pierre Nolin, Xin Sun, Yilin Wang, Wendelin Werner, Zijie Zhuang.



Starting from August 2022, I am mentoring (jointly with Pierre Nolin) Yifan Gao as a Postdoc in City University of Hong Kong. He has obtained his PhD in Peking University.

In the academic year 2021 - 2022, I have mentored the M2 thesis (2nd year master) of Tiancheng He, who is a student from ENS Ulm, and has attended the master program M2 Mathématiques de l'aléatoire in Université Paris-Saclay. The thesis is entitled Geometric properties of some models in Brownian geometry.

Some recorded talks

Seminar talks



City University of Hong Kong

University of Cambridge

Academic year 2018 - 2019:

ETH Zürich

Teaching assistant (TA) or coordinator for various undergraduate and graduate mathematics courses in ETH Zürich:
